@alanpiga Low power OTLs work best with speakers of higher impedance. 16 Ohms usually works a lot better than 8 Ohms.
If you are not planning on very high volumes, the famous BBC-designed LS35a is a 15 Ohm load and plays very nicely with amps like yours. Seems to me Rogers, Spendor, Musical Fidelity and others make this design.
I run a pair of Classic Audio Loudspeakers model T3s which are 16 Ohms, 98dB and flat to 20Hz. An amp like yours can shake the room with the right source material.
We've had very good luck with the higher impedance DeVore Fidelity loudspeakers like the O/96.
Of course there are a number of 'full range' drivers that are 15 or 16 Ohms like Lowther, PHY and the like but none of them are full range and if you want the most out of them should really be treated as a very wide range midrange driver, so a tweeter and a real woofer should be part of such a system.
If you can find a set, Spatial Audio made a speaker called the X3 that was 16 Ohms. A lot of our customers using our S-30 amplifier had very good success using them (The S-30 is our smallest OTL).
If you keep your eyes open you can find other 16 Ohm speakers. Good Luck!