Puritan 156 and Furman

I am currently using a Puritan 156, and was thinking of putting my Furman back into the mix, I know I have to try it so I won't ask if it will improve anything. So I would plug the Puritan into the Furman.

My question is any possible negatives doing this? Here is the unit I have.




Don't plug the Puritan into the Furman.  First, the Puritan is better than the Furman (I own a Furman Elite-15 PFi and a 156).  Second, cascading power conditioners like that is very likely to rob your music of dynamics, especially the amplifiers with no real positives that I can see.  An affordable tweak that is talked about in other threads on here are the Vera-Fi Snubway and MainStream plug ins.  I think they make an audible difference and they have a 30 day return policy.

Review here: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/puritan-audio-psm156-review-ac-filter.26136/

Conclusions: As you see, I have run a number of tests to give the PSM156 ample opportunity to show it can do something to improve audio but it can't even move the dial one hair. There is no indication or logic that would tell us that it can make an audible improvement. Yet the company says this in the feature list of this product:

* 52 cumulative stages of purification removes common and differential mode interference, enhancing clarity, staging and dynamics.
* Equal resistance routing to all outputs realises full dynamic performance.
* Integral earth management system inbuilt with cleansed ground and star earthing format further lowers the noise

None of these things is observed in the measurements.

The device however seems to have real filtering in there as opposed to toy implementation we see in other audio devices. So if you have audible mains related interference that is above a few hundred Hertz, then the PSM156 may have an effect.

As an audio fidelity improvement device, I can't recommend the Puritan Audio PSM156. As a mains filter in general, it seems to be well built and does a far better job than typical consumer gear sold for this purpose.