@helomech First, you need to quantify the amount by which VTF varies over any vertical displacement (warp), say 5mm. That would be a seriously warped record.
Next you need to assess any impact that has on the cartridges tracking ability. And the map those, if any, to changes in SQ that can be attributed to those variations in tracking force, and not the warp itself.
Finally, you need to assess any variation in VTF as a function of arm length, as well as changes in Stylus Rake Angle (SRA).
Let's throw in one last variable, F=MA. To function at all, the stylus and associated motor, MC, MM, or MI, must move relative to the cartridge body and arm. Ideally the arm mass would be infinite, and the resistance to movement vertically or laterally should be zero. Obviously mutually exclusive requirements. Instead, we are left with a mass (the arm) suspended by a compliant spring (the cantilever, stylus, and it's suspension) that results in a resonant system that has been objectively determined to be optimal around 9-10Hz. This enables the relative motion and generation of the electrical signal, while not being excited by the lower warp frequencies. Get that too low and even a small warp can throw the stylus out of the groove. Too high and 'the tail wags the dog', the system is too stiff and the sylus/cantilever pushes the tonearm, wiping out the bass. A dancing bear, to be sure - the miracle being mechanical not that it dances well, but that it dances at all.
With that data, you can begin a conversation on this dynamic system. Until then, the model is incomplete, and the discussion theoretical at best.