Who has kids that are in a band or have been?

My son was majorly into playing in a band and recording music. He spent a lot of money (with help from dad) on equipment and recording fees. They recorded a full length cd and had an album release show. Then covid hit. All of the venues shut down. During that time, the drummer got married, the lead singer lost interest, and one member passed away from a fluke accident. My son plays lead guitar.

It was a fun time. Going to shows, etc. I figured the chances of them making it big were a long shot, but gotta try.

Anyone have stories to share?

They recorded a few low budget videos. Below is one of them. Recorded in their basement. Garrett said he was soaked in beer by the end of the video. Lol.






@fatdaddy2 I didn't end up with any gear that I could use for audio. He has a nice pair of Barefoot amplified speakers, but he hung on to those.

I do have a new pair of Gibson amplified monitors sitting in boxes.  Gibson made a limited number of speakers with fronts that mimic a Les Paul. Really cool wood.  Garrett had a pair, too, but he sold them to his younger brother.  They actually work pretty well for music. 

Oh and I forgot about the 18" sub with its 1500 watt amp (size of a small refrigerator), not to mention the Mackie powered mixer and Crown amp that drive the whole thing.  Great for making use of the discrete channel outs from the Oppo disc player.

@helomech thanks for the comments. They did what they could with somewhat limited funds. It still amounted to a ton of money.  There are a couple of other videos on YouTube.


Garrett and the drummer, Kade, actually got pretty good at recording and mixing, but by that time covid had hit.

@jasonbourne71 thank you. 👍


Similar early experience to some posters here with an unpredictable ending. Daughter played classical piano starting at 6yo. Stayed serious throughout elementary and high school including national competitions, but in mid-teens started writing pop songs. Applied to a dozen classical college programs and one college pop program. She chose pop because she had a vision the wife and I didn’t see…and now she plays keyboards for many of the top pop acts, including 2 years/149 shows on the Taylor Swift Eras Tour. And yes, a beer and screaming for your kid performing in front of 75,000 people never gets old. It also amuses me that she does not share the same audiophile listening passion I have, though she has some cool equipment.

Making a recording is meaningless unless somehow your music is good enough to entertain people in a live setting, and your band better be ready to deliver live. The only way to beat the odds is to work your buns off on a hot live show. Then you have a slightly better chance to make some money, although that's still extremely unlikely unless you're VERY lucky. Are you ready to live in a van for years? No family, no money, eventually not so much fun. That said,  I know a woman that had a minor career for years in the "coffeehouse" scene until a recording accidentally got noticed by an established country star...put her on the map in Nashville and she crafts country hits galore for other people and can pack 'em in at her own shows. Do that! heh... Thought I'd end on an up note.