How many times can u visit a hifi store before it annoys the store if u plan on a purchase

I plan on buying a McIntosh system C12000 and 2 MC611 monoblocks in a about 3 months from this Stereo shop I have chosen. I’ve been to the store about 4 times over the past year and half to listen to various components trying diff equipment.

My question, is, what would be considered visiting the store to much before I buy a system? I plan on spending over 20k but I didn’t know what is proper etiquette.


I think that is up to the store / salesman more than you.  Some buyers take more visits than others.  I was seriously inquiring at a well know store in Delaware when the salesman decided to stop returning my calls.  I moved on and bought my dream system elsewhere.  I thank him for that!

It’s a store. It’s there for customers.  Go as often as you want or need.  The hifi police will never know!

There are plenty of people that have no intention of buying and these people don't care how much of your time they consume. 

"Knob twisters"

"Tire kickers"

"Gear gawkers"


Good sales people know who you are and see you coming. Don't be surprised when they don't return your calls. It's YOU who is the problem not them.


I always bring cookies for the crew....each time.  Or something.  It should be a bit social.  The exchange meant to be enjoyed, not endured.  I've even taken microbrew.  But then, that's just me.  Cheers