Unipivot tone arms

Help me Understand how Unipivot tonearms function  what are the advantages and disadvantages?


With almost ANY arm, I am surprised by comments about handling an arm.  I don’t see this as an issue at all.  I never cue by hand and my cue lever is never down except when I am playing the record.  There is no chance of any kind of error this way.

Great thread.  Most concerning was the azimuth wobble in VPI unipivot, seems adding the dual-pivot fixes this.

The new Clearaudio magnetically stabilised unipivot provides the best aspects of unipivot and dual axis bearing arms - fabulous arm.

I am surprised by comments about handling an arm.  I don’t see this as an issue at all.

It's just a matter of preference. There's something very appealing about the precision of an arm such as a Triplanar or SME V. It's a tactile thing. By comparison, a wobbly unipivot feels imprecise. Again, just a matter of preference.

People often say they don't like how the arm tilts if they just stick their finger under the lift and trying to pinch the lift leads to them accidentally sliding the needle across the groove.  I say never touch the arm when you are ready to play the record; use the cuing mechanism.

I also hear people talk about accidentally bumping the arm while cleaniing the stylus or changing a record, or whatever, and having the srylus hit the platter.  Again, this never happens if, when play is done, one returns the arm to the rest and does not cue down.  It is just safer and more convenient to always be cued up until lowering the needle to play.