McIntosh MCD500 vs Ayon CD-2

Getting ready to pull the trigger on an upgrade soon and would appreciate some feedback. Has anyone compared these CD players?
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
Mlb: are you running the Ayon straight into an amp, or thru a pre? Which amp?

Spend the extra cash and get the CD5. I traded my CD2 after only about two months for a CD5, and the upgrade is quite noticeable. Not a slam on the CD2- it was an excellent unit. But the CD5 is a whole other ballgame.

Did you even run your Ayon cd-5 directly into ss amps and how did it sound? How good is the tubed pre amp in the cd-5? thanks stephen
Pretty good. As good as my EAR 868 for starters. The EAR may be a bit more open, but it's damn close.

No, I haven't run the CD5 through my Rowland SS amp yet. Will give it a test drive soon.
Don´t know the mcd-500 but my two cents FWIW.
I have been playing the CD-2 through a MA-6600 .
It is far better on direct connection using the digital volume of the c-2 than using the 6600 preamp section .
Using the Ayon cd-1 is just the opossite , that is using the 6600 preamp .
Both Ayons sounds best with the digital volume between -10 to -5 , never use the full output. IMHO.