The Insane World of High End Audio! Is it All a Scam?

This 15 minutes of youtube video by "cheapaudioman" say a lot and hide a lot...

He review low cost products ...

His analysis of audiophiles world here seems fair to me...

But nowhere in all his videos and in this one  he mention "acoustics" as the basis of audio hobby, the anker of any system  and gear piece  evaluation and satisfaction...

He  always talk about the gear... Probably acoustics for him as for most is only acoustics panels purchase...

My point is not that the audio world of audiophile is a scam with scammers...

Not at all.

It is ignorance  of what is acoustics basics that makes people victim of their own decisions  and a potential prey for honest or dishonest sellers..


A consequence of this acoustics perspective and necessary training, is that all reviews are heavily conditioned by the acoustics conditions of the listening system/listener/room, then reviews are not an information which can indicate way more than personal taste.

Real synergy must be tested with many pieces of gear and measured techs.

For music recent scientific article demonstrated that we perceived "timbre" the same way among all cultures, and "timbre" is the root of musical various musical scales in use all around the world..

The consequences for audio are evident : the perception of timbre is one of the main aspect for music and cannot be measured by few techs numbers but must be listened to by ears/brain. ( one of the reason is in psycho-acoustics linked to the way the ears lives and brain create sound perception in his own non linear time domain).


If all reviews are subjectivist taste, and if all technical gear measures are objectivist limiting  insufficient few numbers; the only way to assign a meaningful value to a system/room is to study the acoustics basics and the varying acoustics parameters to makes each one of us in control of our own experience. Then free from our ignorance and easy prey for maketing.


Thanks for the video.

Agreed, and the honest makers of good gear will say this. Interesting discussion here with a leader at Benchmark regarding what makes the biggest difference. Answer: the room.

You tuned a 100 resonators by ear??

Tubes... straws..all acting in unison??? serving as a mechanical room equalizer all tuned by ear????? Holmes, let us grab a hold of reality together for a minute...and you go ahead, follow some of this diy video on how to build a helmholtz resonator. Start cutting some wood, start with 1

Take some measurements and figure out what ’equalizing’ you may even need, to begin with...

I had 100 because i conducted experiments for many years with no cost materials from tube 8 feet high and large and straws and all dimensions in between I tuned them by ears...

Everything counts.....I was shocked when I changed my power cable connections to Furutech

I already explained what i did...

And this youtube video present only One kind of Helmholtz resonators...

Then in your mind because you ignored the physical principle all resonators must be done in the same material and in the same way...

Buy an acoustic books to understand why there is many other way to design one...

Helmholtz originally use bottle with a thin aperture tuned ...

I also used 50 bottles of different size but prefered to use also tubes of various volumes of some lenght with a neck of various lenght because it was more easy to modify in the tuning process ...

None of mine were designed with wood...

I used tubes...


When you work with ONE Helmhotz resonators  as in this video it is because you want to modify some very specific thin range of frequencies...

I uses a distributed large set of resonators specifically located in the room and in relation to the speakers and listening position because i wanted to act on a larger set of frequencies and using location in the room as a tool to modify the room itself not just some specific frequency range......

Some resonators were next my speakers drivers, some behind me etc...

is it difficult to understand ? if so buy a book of acoustics...




What is a speakers with a vent hole ?

A Helmholtz resonator... with only one hole...

I modified my small speakers on the same principle guiding way...

I designed 100 not as a task...

I begun with one...

I observed the result...

Then i designed few others...

I discovered that location matter not just size...

Because a room is itself a resonator...



Read book instead of trying to mock me as you did few months ago and right now in your preceding post...

my patience is thin with sarcasms...


Are you so surprized when a dude tune a piano by ear?

It is the same thing to tune a room...

Or are you surprized if someone do calculus in his head instead of using a computer?

My goal by the way was not "perfection" but results satisfying me and at the same time learning acoustics...

You buy gear upgrade, i learn acoustics... Is it so shocking ?

I used my ears , you do not and do not understand how , is it shocking ?





You tuned a 100 resonators by ear??

Tubes... straws..all acting in unison??? serving as a mechanical room equalizer all tuned by ear????? Holmes, let us grab a hold of reality together for a minute...and you go ahead, follow some of this diy video on how to build a helmholtz resonator. Start cutting some wood, start with 1

Take some measurements and figure out what ’equalizing’ you may even need, to begin with...