I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?

I suppose this is an open question to any of you fine people, but I'm exclusively analog myself and particularly curious to hear from those of you who listen to records.

What would you say is your normal listening volume? Perhaps measure it and post the db's?



75 db +-10, more or less. Maybe some peaks into 90-95 db when I play large scale orchestra music, but nothing louder than that. I use the NIOSH SLM iOS app to measure.

Thanks for the responses!

To be honest, I was expecting some lower numbers. It seems lately when I listen to another audiophile's system they're playing it at lower volumes. Glad to hear some of you are cranking it up a bit!

-54 db to -46 db depending on the recording. I listen near field, less than 6 feet from my speakers. My Luxman Integrated amp volume indicator is in minus db increments in which the lower number is louder. I have no idea how to convert minus db to db.