Personally I don't think your turntable is up to the rest of your system.
So rather than try other cartridges I would suggest considering a complete upgrade, depending on budget.
However, given the quality of your Burmester 088, I would invest in the Burmester phono module ( MC ) for the 088 and ditch the Luxman phono. I suspect this would be a significant improvement even with your existing front end might be a good first step before you upgrade the TT.
The Burmester MC phono module in the 088 provides much more flexibility in cartridge choice than the Luxman phono which is quite limited.
Of the turntables mentioned above I like the Kuzma R or M with 4point9 or 4point11 tonearms. Outstanding performance and more importantly the Kuzma TT's and arms a very easy to set up. I prefer them to the SME's ( I've used both extensively ).