I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?

I suppose this is an open question to any of you fine people, but I'm exclusively analog myself and particularly curious to hear from those of you who listen to records.

What would you say is your normal listening volume? Perhaps measure it and post the db's?


  • Typical background music when working, reading, or being respectful of loudness levels - 40-60dB
  • Comparison listening and when focusing on good sound - 60-80dB
  • Occasionally rocking out - 80-95dB
  • Temporary insanity - higher than above

Regular listening chair is 12 feet from speakers but I don’t always listen from the chair.

So far there have been exactly two posts that specify whether they are measuring with dBA or dBC.  Without specifying which standard you are using the numbers are meaningless.  Almost all contemporary music that has real bass will measure 10-15 dB higher if you are measuring with dBC than dBA.  10-15 dB is the difference between a reasonable listening level and hearing loss.  If you are listening to purely acoustic music without bass or drums the numbers will be much closer.

I typically listen at 78-83 dBC.  On bass heavy tracks that may go up to the high 80s dBC.  

Ambient noise levels in my room in the country at night is typically 36 dBC and dBA when the heat is off, the refrigerator is off, and neither the dog  nor I are within 4 feet of the mic.  Even normally unnoticeable levels of typical noise push that up to 43-48 dBC.  I am extremely skeptical of people who claim to enjoy listening at 40-50 dB.  Maybe they have bat ears or maybe they just don't actually enjoy hearing the music.  I promise they aren't hearing all the music that exists in the recording at those levels.

pinwa, you hit exactly on what I have noted.

Bought an meter off of amazon and was amazed at ambient noise levels very similar to what you noted.

No measuring devices involved, but my listening volume is usually fairly low if other family members are nearby.  If left on my own, it often depends on the song, but I'll play it loud enough that you'd have to raise your voice a bit to have much of a conversation, but rarely ever push things hard....at least not for very long.   

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