Oppo vs Rega or Wadia

I currently own a Rega2000. Looking to upgrade to a new Oppo with mods or a used Wadia. I have heard many good things about the Oppo including listening to a friends with the mods. How does a new Oppo compare to an older Wadia that would sell used for the same price range as the new BDP-83SE. For instance a Wadia 830 for under 2k or willing to spend a bit more for say a 861 if its worth it. Thank you!
Never heard any of these particular players but absolutely don`t agree with Undertow`s statement. Interesting would be hear on what players that kind of opinion has developed?
Would generally agree with Undertow. Digital is the only audio that is improving at more than a snails pace.
The new Sabre Dacs are at the forefront of digital coversion.
An option would the Wyred DAC 1 with the Sabre 9018 chip and dicrete output. You could use your Rega as a transport if it has a digital out.
Purchasing older cd players is iffy at best. Just too many things to go wrong.
$10,000 dollar player will usually be as good as $70.00 DVD-drive of your average PC or Laptop. I suggest to wait a few months/years until desperate Audio manufacturers will come out with "special", "AUDIO FIDELITY" stickers for Chinese laptops and proceed to charge $10,000 for them.