Speaker or amplifer

I have to choose between a Sonus faber sonetto v g2 or a Hegel h400. I have listened to both of them and came away very impressed.My system consists of a Sonus faber iii and Cronus magnum iii. I like the speakers that I have would the hegel h400 be the best upgrade for my system.


Demo the Hegel first, then get back to us reporting what you liked, disliked, and sonic direction you wish to go like more bass energy, depth, articulation/definition

Hey @bigmac1963, I currently use Sonetto V’s. I have a take that hasn’t been mentioned yet, so I’ll throw my hat into this ring. To me, Sonus Faber speakers are capable of both bombastic bass and macro dynamic slam, on the one hand, and a sweet midrange, on the other hand.

I was able to experience a sweeter sound when a buddy brought over his Triode Lab mono blocks. The sweet sound was amazing, but the lacking bass was unsatisfying for me. On the other hand, when using my Peachtree integrated, the thin midrange and highs are also unsatisfying. My favorite combination with Sonetto V is to bi-amp, with the SS on the low end and tubes on top. Bi-amping, I got the best of both worlds. I don’t see myself being satisfied without bi-amping.

I’m not sure if I could get the bass characteristics I want with subs. I’m open to that possibility. I have one sub currently. I have heard what 4 subs can do in a system, and it’s amazing. Ideally, I suppose I could have multiple subs and bi-amp.

On a side note, how do you like your Polytable? Thinking about adding one to the collection. 

I tell you that I like it so much that is the only Hi fi equipment that I have not sold. I have the older model that has the gelco 9” arm.

What sub are you using?  It’s a little curious that you’re lacking slam while using a sub assuming it’s properly set up.