Wyred DACS

They released the final specs for their DACs last week. Shipping this month. Anybody order? The DAC-1 is quite reasonable, but not upgradable to the asynch-USB, which the DAC-2 has. The DAC-2 also has the I2S but I don't know what it's gonna connect to.
Hi Guys

Regarding the glare and sibilance thing its great you guys are not experiencing it. However everyone at the recent DAC shootout heard it and the other DAC's did not have it - well the modded Oppo may have had it a little bit but that was from someone with am exceptional ear who listens to Hi Fi day on day out for a living - I actually didn't hear it in the Oppo. My personal opinion is its a system synergy thing that appears if you system is revealing enough. The system we tried it on at the shootout was very very reveling without going into the details. Buy IMHO it does not have to be uber revealing - it shows up quite easily on my home system. Also I want to emphasize at least one person thought this was the best DAC there which is a really great accomplishment. Just had a chat to the guy that wrote about the WFS at the shootout and he still thinks what he said sums it up:
An amazing amount of detail, excellent tonal consistency and powerful bass. But it sounded like you were playing a CD and there were electronic artifacts in the form of a mid treble glare that intruded. Grey background. Microdynamically restricted. However its combination of consistent tonality and detail was impressive in a hifi sense and I can actually believe that some listeners might place this as their favorite.

As far as hearing one is concerned this DAC is the DAC of the moment right now so if you got one and didn't like you it you should have no trouble on selling it. Its what I did and have no regrets about trying it. I will be getting a good friend who runs a review site to review it then on sell it. I am pretty sure I will get close to what I paid for it.

I should have been clearer. The issue was a bit of harshness in the upper range when i started to really drive the speakers. That's why I was wondering if it could have been the amp. With the pre-amp in place I settled on a volume of 67. Never had any issues. But now with DAC to amp I sometimes get some harshness on the high level section of a song when I'm cranking it (like Lucinda Williams voice). For me cranking it doesn't mean ear drum shattering. But my neighbors know when I'm home. It seemed like something that could be happening with the amp. Wish I had a multitude of equipment to interchange. As far as a sibilance issue. It doesn't sound like that to me. Not that I haven't heard some. But if I hear a couple seconds of sibilance once every two or three hundred songs, I don't attribute it to the DAC but to the recording or mastering/compression. That's my experience anyway. I listened through headphones straight from the DAC a couple nights ago, didn't really experience the issue. I could try out new cable combos. But sometimes you're just tired of all the experimentation and just want a solution so you can listen. :)

I appreciate everyone who's been comparing their experiences. The biggest difference in equipment is us: our own expectations and preferences.

I run the W4S DAC2 with Stealth Indra IC's through a Wyetech Opal pre,to a Krell 300cx with JPS Aluminata IC's, and on to Von Schweikert VR5HSE's using Nordost Valhalla spkr cables. So I do not think it is lack of system resolution that accounts for my --and others -- not noticing any glare or sibilance. Were you using the DAC2 as a pre? Could this have been a contributing factor? Did you try any resonance controls under DAC, or swap input digicable or output IC's?

We ran the WFS as a pre. The reference system we used has an extremely good isolation stand. The amp was Macintosh 501's mono-blocks that many rate as possibly the best amps you can buy. The amps were heavily isolated as well. The speakers were Lenehan ML3's reference fully tricked out with Dulund capacitors and hand tuned. These are the bigger brothers of the famous Lenehan Ml1's that are often said to be the best mini monitors you can get. They are dead neutral and include heroic measures to reduce resonance such as lining them with steel. That is just one measure they use. Many, including myself, rate them as simply the finest speakers they have ever heard even above such famous speakers as Quad electrostatics and Martin Logsans. Take my word for it these speakers are as revealing as you can get. This is not just my view - we had a professional reviewer present who has heard more stuff that I can poke a stick at. He was so impressed with these speakers he is getting a pair as am I.

We all heard the sibilance issue as clear as a bell. Neither the Tranquility nor the systems reference DAC had it. It is not just me that heard it - everyone at the shootout including the professional reviewer did as well. I am simply conjecturing it is how revealing the system is that accounts for it. That may not be it. All I can say is I even hear it on my home system. If that is not the case then your guess is as good as mine.

I don't doubt anything you say, Bhobba. But it is not clear to me (no pun intended) whether you heard the sibilance and glare when using the DAC2 both as a DAC and a pre, or even when using as a DAC alone. If the latter, it may be that the DAC2 is simply over its head as a pre in a system of that level.
