What is the best sounding CD Changer.

I am looking for the best sounding CD changer in the $250 to $500 price range. This is primarily for entertaining and background music with the goal of putting in 5 or more discs, hitting a shuffle button and getting 6 plus hours of music. SACD would be a plus but not required. Best sound possible at that pricepoint is the primary goal. After a frustrating afternoon trying to find reliable information on-line, I thought I had a solution with the NAD C515BEE but turned out to be a single disc player. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sony SCD-C2000es...very similar to the 595, came out later, very good with mods as was the 595.
I have owned the 2000es modded by TRL and still put my money on the stock Sony SCD-c555es. I have had no problems with mine.
Concerning the Sony SCD-CE595, which is what I assume you guys are talking about, there are at least 12 of them for sale on EBay, ranging from $35-$92. The $92 ones are refurbished.
Notwithstanding Gandme's comment about the SCD-c555es superiority compared to the TRL modded 2000es (I've not heard the SCD-c555es), IMHO you can't go wrong with a TRL modified changer. I owned a TRL modded 2000es, and felt that it was one of the best CDP's for the money. Even though I didn't A/B the two, it was more natural and resolving than the stock Sony XA5400 that I owned for a few months. To me, the TRL 2000es was better at conveying emotion ... more analog like in its presentation. My recommendation: pick up one of those Sony CE595's off EBay, and have Paul @c TRL modify it for $750.

Thank you for the great comments and direction! I am off to do my research. Thanks.
The TRL 2000es is a good player but you can pick up a 555es
for less and the build quality along is worth it. I did have a chance to A/B the 2 players and it was not close...the stock SCD-c555es was better in my system.