What is the best sounding CD Changer.

I am looking for the best sounding CD changer in the $250 to $500 price range. This is primarily for entertaining and background music with the goal of putting in 5 or more discs, hitting a shuffle button and getting 6 plus hours of music. SACD would be a plus but not required. Best sound possible at that pricepoint is the primary goal. After a frustrating afternoon trying to find reliable information on-line, I thought I had a solution with the NAD C515BEE but turned out to be a single disc player. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Buconero, I have tried many times to follow your advice on the 595 but can never find one available. Any advice? Thanks
The 595 sells out as soon as they appear.It took me 6 months to finally snag one.Be patient and check Sonystyle everyday.If you just can't wait,I have seen them on other sites for around $135.00.I think they are worth that and more,just my opinion.No,it didn't replace my main player but if you're looking for a great sounding budget SACD player,grab one.Like Buconero117 always says,if you don't like it Sony will take it back.
Sony SCD-C2000es...very similar to the 595, came out later, very good with mods as was the 595.
I have owned the 2000es modded by TRL and still put my money on the stock Sony SCD-c555es. I have had no problems with mine.
Concerning the Sony SCD-CE595, which is what I assume you guys are talking about, there are at least 12 of them for sale on EBay, ranging from $35-$92. The $92 ones are refurbished.
Notwithstanding Gandme's comment about the SCD-c555es superiority compared to the TRL modded 2000es (I've not heard the SCD-c555es), IMHO you can't go wrong with a TRL modified changer. I owned a TRL modded 2000es, and felt that it was one of the best CDP's for the money. Even though I didn't A/B the two, it was more natural and resolving than the stock Sony XA5400 that I owned for a few months. To me, the TRL 2000es was better at conveying emotion ... more analog like in its presentation. My recommendation: pick up one of those Sony CE595's off EBay, and have Paul @c TRL modify it for $750.