Suggestions for speakers for my setup

I am currently running a Marantz 8801 with an anthem p5 amplifier and paradigm studio reference speakers (bought these before they even had the signature line). These will be used for home theater and music listening. I remember listening to some polk speakers run from a carver amp when I was in high school that felt like someone was squeezing your chest when the bass hit. It really was startling. I'm looking for speakers that can do that without a subwoofer (I'll have a couple but I want some awesome full range speakers up front to start). I've been looking at the revel Ultima2 salon2 speakers but that is the upper limit on what I can spend without being divorced. Any suggestions?
My initial comments were related to audio takes time to develop a good ear and know what u want...outside of that human behavior is human behavior...and In not a shrink...probably could use one!...haha
Unless you have a problem with horn loaded speakers, perhaps take a look at the top of the Klipsch reference line or Heritage line. A used pair of KLF-30's (not made anymore) is also a great choice, esp for HT. Great dynamics in any of these and most are not budget busters for you. Good luck.
IMHO. High sensitivity speakers tends to be bright specially paired with SS amp. Go with Tannoy or Sonus Faber for warm easy listening.
I have both the Marantz 8801 and the Revel Ultima Salon2's. If you want a listen, feel free to contact me. I'm in MA.
I have a pair of Zu Def 4s paired with Mcintosh MC60s, circa 1957. Just getting broken in. Bass-how badly do you want to hurt yourself? As above, If you want a listen contact me. Atlanta area. I'll check this thread periodically.
Thought about the Revels long and hard but dynamics more easily come with high efficiency.The Zus have two subs in aluminum billet down firing. Real solid bass. I can't make them say uncle.