
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase
Mcondon, reading your previous replies to Ayon CD-2 threads, I can see you are a one-eyed Perfect Wave fan (which is fine) and your replies are usually even handed, however I don't think you should judge ALL Ayon players by one player (ie: the previous model CD-2) since the CD-5/CD-5s are much better sounding players with reference level sound as has been repeated often before. Re: your assertion there are no dealers in the US, that is not correct. USA Tube Audio is the main US Dealer who are also supported by the US distributor as posted on Ayon's website.

What you have to understand is, Ayon are still a young company, therefore of course their dealer network is going to be smaller than say Audio Research for example, so it has nothing to do with with Ayon not wanting to go head to head with other brands as you suggested. The fact is it takes a long time for a new brand to gain wide market acceptance and to be commercially viable for a hifi store to carry. Hope that sheds some light.
Mlb, Melbguy1, I am not a dealer and have no financial interests in any of Ayon's competitors. My forays into audio amount to a rounding error for me financially. If you read my post history, you will see that I have commented about a wide range of products and have done so deliberately and as honestly as I can.

As I said before, I think that people should be able to use the Audiogon forums to gain useful insights about products they are considering buying. Can users rely on the opinions expressed in Ayon threads? I don't think so. Even if the majority of Ayon owners are completely honest in their enthusiasm, Jimphd14 is neither honest nor honorable and has muddied the water as a result. He resorts to implausible disinformation about competing products and personal insults towards anyone expressing a preference for any product that is not made by Ayon.

If Ayon components really compete with the best on the market, then Jimphd14, not me, is acting against Ayon's and your best interests. No company wants an immature fraud to speak in its behalf.

And Jimphd14's disinformation is also a disservice to manufacturers like AMR, Meridian, PS Audio, Berkeley, BAT, and Audio Research, all of which he has implausibly claimed are trounced by Ayon.
03-29-11: Mcondon
Mlb, Melbguy1, I am not a dealer and have no financial interests in any of Ayon's competitors. My forays into audio amount to a rounding error for me financially. If you read my post history, you will see that I have commented about a wide range of products and have done so deliberately and as honestly as I can.
I neither implied nor accused you of being a Dealer.
As I said before, I think that people should be able to use the Audiogon forums to gain useful insights about products they are considering buying. Can users rely on the opinions expressed in Ayon threads? I don't think so
I don't think you believe that statement. I think you're trying to rubbish all Ayon commentary because of one bad egg...sad.
No company wants an immature fraud to speak in its behalf.
That is a stretch. If you're going to accuse Jim of being an Ayon stooge, then provide proof rather than speculation.
And Jimphd14's disinformation is also a disservice to manufacturers like AMR, Meridian, PS Audio, Berkeley, BAT, and Audio Research, all of which he has implausibly claimed are trounced by Ayon.
You're taking this a bit personally don't you think? I don't think AMR, Meridian, PS Audio, Berkeley, BAT, or Audio Research would give a *hoot* about one member's opinion.
found always big problem for reliability, no found any good service after selling!
Melbguy1, I tried to post evidence regarding Jimphd14, but the moderator did not approve my post. I guess the acrimony is not "productive".

I do believe that this forum is supposed to provide honest insights about audio equipment choices and am angered that someone like Jimphd14 acts in an unethical and disrepectful way to spread disinformation. I guess I have learned not to trust everything I read on this forum, as some people don't use it in good faith.