Wyred Dacs--Thoughts?

The new Wyred dacs employing the Sabre dac chips have, as I understand things, been shipping. If any of you have had the opportunity to get your hands on one and listen to it in your system or a familiar one, I would appreciate your thoughts.
The DAC-1 would definitely be an upgrade in transparency and dynamics, I've owned both.
I'm interested in hearing about the quality of the volume control built into the Wyred DAC-2. Specifically, its effect on sound quality. Also, how do you like the user interface and configuration? Any quirks or shortcomings?
Doesn't the new DAC-2 start shipping this week? Any one receive theirs yet? First impressions?

Anyone with a DAC-1 plan on moving up to the DAC-2? I wonder if there will be some used DAC-1's on here because of the 15% restocking fee.