
I have an EMM Lab CDSA-SE with what are said to be some pretty fancy and engineered footers. Would be after-market footers be any improvement? If so, in what way. The equipment sits on a heavy, solid maple stand, and is isolated from the floor to boot. Thoughts?
Pubul57, since you are asking this question, I think I may have a solution for you, maybe. I have the same player. Before I purchased it I demoed the top of the line XDS1. It is a $24,000.00 one box player with an aluminum chassis. Ours is a standard metal box. Just as this review states the CDSA SE is very sensitive to vibration control. See It is on the money. I, like you already have my player on a maple shelf on my rack. Also my version has the new feet and transport. When I brought the player home what I heard was a hashy hardness that made the player unlistenable for long sessions. I have had this experience before with other players and this wasn’t close to the sound of the XDS1. So with luck and what I knew I tried a set of the Mapleshade Micropoint HeavyHats. They are 3 brass weights that sit on top of the player and they absolutely worked for me. I also tried Stillpoints and Isoblocks as footers. They both cleaned up the sound but they also reduced the energy and, more importantly, eliminated the holographic soundstage the player can produce. The HeavyHat kit retained the players’ energy and let the player shine. If you request I can email you a photo of my placement of the weights with some details. Now if what I heard is not your issue at all then “never mind”.
Someone suggested hockey pucks to me several years ago. I use themm and they work great and I haven't looked back.
Jhardy, that sounds very interesting. So these are just weights placed on top of the unit to mass load the casing? I don't if I'm hearing what you are hearing as the unit does sound good to me, but I did read thay PF reviews as well and took note of it and thinking there might be something I could try that would make the performance even better than what I am already getting. If you could e-mail the photos, that would be much appreciated.
Depends on your taste on how it effects the sound.As a rule you would say yes good footers work well.But I am always for first mass loading a rack or wall mount and then trying different typed cheap and expensive.I always think it weird people will do things like get feet or put dampening mats inside a unit and then have room that is too hard or soft and not treat walls for getting rid of standing waves or have light rack on wood floors.They might be worth it but down the line compared to other much more effect room treatments (analogue like a diffuser behind speakers or on side walls where those standing waves reflect off ) or if one like the sound putting money into digital E.Q or simply experimenting with placement.That said if it's all set up the way you can given room might not lend itself for a "best" placement of speakers etc it might do trick.On other hand like wire it might change sound (as noted above) but not be better.
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