I need help - Better DAC or NEW CD player?

I am in the middle of purchasing some components for my new system, unfortunately, reading posts on a rainy night on Audigon only makes my "upgradeatitis" syndrom more acute.

The problem is that some time ago, I bought a squeezebox Duet, to use as transport for lossless files. The idea obviously was to get a good DAC to go along with it.

The one I was almost set on was the Dacmagic, which gets very good reviews here and almost everywhere you look. But, on the other hand, I am willing to spend a little more......Now, the thing is my current CD player is a Rotel RCD 1072, and was wondering whether this Dacmagic would give me any improvements if I use the rotel as a transport for it.

Or, I could get for example a Wyred DAC or a Benchmark DAC1 and use the Rotel for transport, but I dont know the limits of the Rotel as transport alone, I dont want to spend 600 more bucks on a better DAC to be fed with 2 "not so good" transports (the Duet and the Rotel).

So I am kinda stuck!! On the other hand I am contemplating getting the Dacmagic to use only for the Duet, and getting a new better CD player altogether, which puts me into another doubt, I dont know if the little money I can for the rotel + lets say 1000 more will really give me any improvements in the system if I purchase a whole new CD player since the Rotel is said to be very capable.

FWIW my amp will be a W4S STI500 and speakers are B&W 803D.

Let me know what you think about this and your suggestions on what you would do.... thanks in advance for all your help!

I think the thing is that no two DACs sound the same, much like phono setups, but that is where the similarites end.

I think Kijanki is correct in asserting that with the BEnchmark, its sound will not vary much based on transport within certain wide and easily met (with more modern transports) limits, due to the BEnchmarks specific design which essentially eliminates external dependencies that can affect the sound, mainly the clock signal needed to convert the bits to analog accurately.

How one takes to the sound of the BEnchmark or any other DAC is still largely a matter of preference, but at least with a DAC like the Benchmark, as Kijanki indicates, you should get pretty much the same sound with most any transport up front. That may not be so much the case with other DAC designs that rely on an external clock signal provided by the source in order to convert the bits to an analog soundwave.
The rest of your system is quite good. I think that you want to get as good of a source as you can and as good as the DacMagic is - and it will do a better job than the DAC in the RC-1072 - with the budget you are suggesting you can do better. There are at least two ways I think you can go:

1) a CD player that can function effectively as a DAC, like the Cambridge Audio Azur 840C - very good CD player and very good upsampling DAC with a nice array of digital inputs

2) stand alone DAC like the Benchmark you mention, and using your existing gear as transports. There are other more expensive DACs I would also consider, even if it means waiting a bit, like

-Bryston BDA-1
-Bel Canto DAC3vb
There is one thing I dont like about the Benchmark - There is only one coaxial input.

I would like to use it for my Squeezebox, my CD player/transport and Oppo BRP. I know I have the coaxial and toslink available, but most people say coaxial is better over the toslink. I also could use the Oppo for CD but I think it sucks for that use, mainly due to loading times, I´d rather use it only for video but nonetheless somewhere in the future upgrade my CD transport.
Demianm - Toslink creates more jitter than coax but with Benchmark it doesn't matter. Benchmark tested DAC1 using 500' of cat5 cable instead of coax and there was no audible difference. I use, with Benchmark, Toslink from Airport Express and coax from DVD player and cannot tell the difference.

I stand by my original statement. I agree that all DACs sound different. I also assert that the connections make a difference, and that the Benchmark is not as immune to inputs as they claim it to be. The overall signature remains consistent, but the inputs sound different. I hear differences with USB cables, spdif and toslink. Furthermore on different cables of the same type and usb converters such as the hiFace- not to mention transports especially. I am not knocking the units at all- I own two, a USB version and the HDR one. I just feel it does a disservice to others perpetuating the myth (IMO) that bits are just bits. Bits are only just bits if they are there at the right time IME.

Bottom line, as with most things in audio, everything matters. Jitter is real, and you are best off avoiding it in the first place, as opposed to "dealing" with it after the fact.