I've tried a few of the popular old and new 12ax7/5751 tubes in my JD100, and in the long run, I stuck with the new Sovtek 12ax7lps. Maybe not the best overall tone, but the dynamics are much closer to "lifelike", over anything I've tried. And, they're very quiet.
Some people claim the earlier production ones are better then the newer ones. Mine are year 2000.
An old tube equipment builder/tech suggested to me to try some 12BZ7's, for some real dynamics, but I'm not sure how the JD100 would react to the additional draw, and since they are taller, I don't think they would clear the top cover.
Some people claim the earlier production ones are better then the newer ones. Mine are year 2000.
An old tube equipment builder/tech suggested to me to try some 12BZ7's, for some real dynamics, but I'm not sure how the JD100 would react to the additional draw, and since they are taller, I don't think they would clear the top cover.