cdp acting funny

Ocasionally my cdp does a funny "skip". It does it a couple of times a cd. It doesn't appear to skip, but it's almost like a power loss for a microsecond. When it does it my dac "blips" where it shows a signal coming in. The cdp is a CA 340 and my dac is a CA Dacmagic. I never have that problem when playing music from my computer, so I don't believe it's my dac and I never had it happen with my old cdp. Any ideas? All will be appreciated.
Do the same discs do this or is it random?If it's the same discs doing this they are either dirty or damaged.If not,well,that's beyond my knowledge.I'm sure some of the knowledgable folks here can give you some ideas.Good luck.
the pickup may be getting dirty; you can try using a CD laser lens cleaning disc. I have one from Audio Source. It has a tiny brush that rotates to clean the lens.

If you can access the pickup by opening the cover you might try a blast of clean "canned air".

If this doesn't help then the servo needs to see a technician.
Different cds.
I'll try your recommendations. Thanks for the tip.
possible I suppose it could be the cable or the connection from the CDP to DAC ... if the cleaing suggestions do not work try a diffrent cable or check the solder joints and/or tightness of your connections