Recommend a DAC

I currenlty have a Rotel RC-1072. I have contmeplated upgrading to a new CDP (Bryston BCD-1 - with tradein net to me would be $2100) but for the monies I am thinking a DAC would be the best way to go and use the Rotel as the transport. Thoughts and opinions please.
Perfect timing for this thread. I, too, am in the exact dilema with my RCD1072. Something else to keep in mind is, in my opinion, upgrading to a better and more expensive DAC yeilds a small change. I've tried the V-DAC and the PS audio DLIII and didn't hear much of a change. So paying 700.00 on a PS audio DAC to me isn't a upgrade but rather its like waxing a freshly washed car. I say save your money and find a deal on a audio research or something like that
perfect timing for me too! I also have an RCD1072 and I'm looking into DACs. See my thread over at Tech Talk, where several people recommended DACs. I´m mostly thinking Bel Canto DAC3, Bryston BDA-1, Lavry DA10 or 11, Benchmark, Weiss DAC2. All of these are said to have excellent jitter rejection and were recommended by users knowing that I will pair it with a 1072. Actually Benchmark had a whole marketing campaign about the small impact the transport has with their jitter rejection approach. Can you audition, or are you buying used? Can you buy used and try? I wish I could, but I'm overseas and that's not practical.

Let us know how it works out for you.