Describe ube sound vs solid state

What are the charesterics in comparing each of these?
Unsound, while you are technically correct I'll bet you can't identify the colorations / response deviations while listening to music.
Unsound wrote,

"Dollar for dollar through most typical loud speakers; high quality tube amplifying devices will more likely distort frequency response more than high quality solid state amplifying devices will."

The problem is distortion is overrated as a measurement of sound quality. So is frequency response. Gotcha covered. Lol. Besides, we found out back in the 70s and 80s that tube amps with 0.05% THD just plain sounded better than solid state amps with 0.0005% THD.
The problem here is that often the ear will give weight to distortion perceived as tonality over actual frequency response.

A classic example is the brightness of transistor amps. On the bench they might test with the same bandwidth as a tube amp but will sound brighter. Its due to trace amounts of higher ordered harmonic distortion, which the ear translates into tonality: brightness.

IOW it may be flat but it may not sound like it. Not that you can get flat frequency response out of a speaker anyway- just look at their response and you will see that getting flat frequency response is a fool's errand.
"IOW it may be flat but it may not sound like it."

Actually it won't EVER sound flat if in fact it is because the frequency response of human ears is not flat.

See the Ear Sensitivity chart here for details and how that affects what we hear when listening to music.

That does not mean that flat frequency response in the sound making system is not a good thing. It is. It means whats coming out is the same as what went in, even if not always pleasant.
Raymoda, I do not consider skim milk healthy. It's just a part of brainwash. All ya have to do is to blend water and milk 50/50