CDP choices-Looking for advice

Hi everyone,

In the market for a new CDP for my 2-channel setup.
-95% redbook playback but SACD and BD would be nice bonus as a all in one unit. I will also need to address video options aswell for watching mostly concert DVD's
-I do not want to sacrifice 2ch playback with a universal player.
-Budget 1500+/-

Players/scenerios under consideration.
Oppo 83SE-bang for buck award winner?$900 roughly
Marantz SA8003-Price is right+Oppo 80 or 83 for BD $1300-$1500
Marantz SA15s2-Sure looks sweet+Oppo 80 or 83 for BD $1700-$2000

Is there that much of an improvement on redbook cd's as I go up the scale?
I understand at some point there is diminishing return, just not sure where that is in this line up.

Thanks for the advice!
My advise is to not fret the grammar and usage around here, Al; in that direction lies madness! ;) J
I agree, John, and with the exception of this thread that has always been my policy. But in this case the near-uniqueness of seeing it stated correctly prompted me to comment. And I will say also that I noticed and appreciate the humor behind the second word of your post :-)

Best regards,
-- Al
If you can stretch your budget just a little, I would upgrade the CDP 0.6 recommended by Drrsutliff above to the Lector CDP 7TL. Even the first generation 7TL machine is likely to be an improvement over the 0.6 due to the outboard and beefier power supply. For information, Lector made improvements from the MkI to the MkII in the power supply, chassis damping, and top drawer slider. The only difference from MkII to MkIII was changing the DAC board to accomodate the BB PCM-1704 24-bit chipset instead of the PCM-63 20-bit chipset. If you can swing it, the MkIII is the player to get IMO. As mentioned above regarding the 0.6, the 7TL is also an exceptional value for the price.
Resolution Audio Opus 21. Redbook only, but has a digital input that accepts 24/96 for DVP playback and computer. Uses the highly regarded BB 1704 chips. They are usually $1500 - $1700 used.
I appreciate everyone's repsonse, but not only am I more confused with all the choices, I'm worried about my grammer.
Regarding Buconero117's post, I have been unable to locate the Sony595 on the Sonystyle website. It shows as discontinued. If it is still available please provide a link or stop recommending a player that is no longer available.