tube cd player vs solid state

if want to improve the warm side of my sound systeme but i want to keep the punch that we find on a solid state. Does it a good ideas to change only my cd(atoll cd200)for a tube cd player and keep my mcintosh integrated(ma-6500). Or maybe im better whit a solid state cd player whit a warm and VERRY DYNAMIC SOUND. please sent me your opinion and no of model that you suggest. My speaker are canton ergo 695
There are great sounding/affordable players of both types.My favorite,which provides the dynamics and detail of a good ss player with the full bodied sound of tubes is the JAS Musik 1.2
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by example if we compare mcintosh mcd301 (ss) vs tube cd player at the same price, wich would be the best warm and dynamic whit deep tite and punchy bass...