The CD player is dead.......

I am still waiting for someone to explain why a cd player is superior to storing music on a hard drive and going to a dac. Probably because you all know it's not.

Every cd player has a dac. I'll repeat that. Every cd player has a dac. So if you can store the ones and zeros on a hard drive and use error correction JUST ONCE and then go to a high end dac, isn't that better than relying on a cd player's "on the fly" jitter correction every time you play a song? Not to mention the convenience of having hundreds of albums at your fingertips via an itouch remote.

If cd player sales drop, then will cd sales drop as well, making less music available to rip to a hard drive?
Maybe, but there's the internet to give us all the selection we've been missing. Has anyone been in a Barnes and Noble or Borders lately? The music section has shown shrinkage worse than George Costanza! This is an obvious sign of things to come.....

People still embracing cd players are the "comb over" equivalent of bald men. They're trying to hold on to something that isn't there and they know will ultimately vanish one day.

I say sell your cd players and embrace the future of things to come. Don't do the digital "comb over".
Onetwothreego: A well designed dac will not have jitter issues either.
I would put it that a dac that has extremely good jitter REJECTION capability will not have jitter issues.

An example being the Benchmark dacs, which are pretty much immune to jitter that may be introduced by the source component or by the interface between the two components. However, not everyone likes their sound.

Alternatively, if the design of the dac does not provide essentially complete rejection of jitter on the incoming signal (and most designs do not), then impedance matching, cable selection, cable length, the noise environment, the risetime and falltime of the output of the source component, the inherent jitter levels of the source component, and various other factors all become significant.

None of those factors are relevant with a one-box cdp.

-- Al
Kijanki-I don't know what it is with Computer Music Storage types. This complete obsession over 90% of Customers don't care about quality. What is it with this compulsion of many people buy MP3 Downloads for less? What is it with the desperate behavior of praying for the demise of the CD? What the hell did the CD ever do to you, were you rapped as a child by a CD? Anytime anyone challenges your 90% premise, it's like hitting a nerve on a rabid dog! Why should I CARE about those who DON'T CARE about Sound Quality? What makes these people experts on when and what Formats should be embraced or eliminated?
If they had two brain cells to rub together, they would keep BOTH Formats available to keep their options open. I thought we used to use re-writable optical Disks AS back-up! Lets follow the ultimate conclusion of the logic and reason of this 90%, shall we? Someone comes out with a new Format next year with half of the performance of MP3, but it Downloads faster thereby more convenient. The following year a new Format that halves the performance again, but still faster and more convenient Downloads. Price remains the same for each, cost to manufacture goes down, Profits Skyrocket, and performance goes further in the toilet if that is even possible. You say that I should follow these clever 90% People over a cliff because it is a fact of life! I say hand them a Darwin award, and tell them that they are on their own. Trust me, no-one is even going to miss their apathetic ass! Do I care what 90% are doing, I have been living in the 10% High End percentile for decades figuring live and let live. Now this 90% THINKS they have the right to cross a line and tell me what Formats I should be listening to. They are clueless, part of a herd mentality, the only thing that they are good for is mass suicide. I, on the other hand, have an instinct for self preservation because I am funny that way. I didn't really want to say this and offend so many People, but you have left me no choice. I do have a tendency to try and get along with people, ah..those that aren't persistent on dragging me over a cliff with them. If I have offended those I apologize. Trust me, your offense will be short lived, so don't worry. The real joke is the Industry that is leading you over a cliff, is placing bets on who goes over first. They call it Profit. You call them your best friends forever. This too will be short lived. Those are the facts! Who do you think you are selling your soul to the Devil, and thinking you don't have to pay up! Wake-up!
Just curious, PO, what recording have you tried to buy that hasn't been available in your desired CD format?

You seem irritated that something has been taken away from you but in spite of your verbosity, I'm not sure what that is.
I'm with Petty. I may download a few files along the way but nobody's gonna run me over a cliff if I have any say about it!
Nothing has been taken away YET, Mlsstl. I just see this target painted on the back of the CD Format. Who is ready to pull the trigger, the MP3 crew who can't shoot straight on sound quality. I believe the intent is to lower the Standard for the remaining 10% of us. As if the 90% can't
stand the competition, I know, I know, It makes no sense to me either. As if we, CD, and our 10% are a real threat! Are MP3 types really that insecure? The worst Sounding Quality Format owning 90% of the market isn't enough? Can't share just a little of the Market, gotta hog it all! Never satisfied untill everyone is force fed from the same trough! Can someone please tell me why we can't have both? I'm sick and tired of hearing we can't have both because the 90% say we can't have both. Who are these MP3 90% types? Do they have Masters Degrees in Acoustical Engineering or something? Why would anyone take Sound Quality advice from this group, the anti-sound quality pro convenience group. It's like hiring a child to do Brain Surgery, because 90% said we should! Fine, experiment on your own brain! Leave me, my 10%, and the CD Format alone! Stop playing Format God, your not very good at it (MP3), and besides the position (LP) is already taken (CD)!