Hdtracks flacs at 96/24 but recognized as 44/16

I am streaming 96/24 flac files to a dac (w4s-dac1) from my MacBook pro using the toslink connection. The dac list the file sample rate to be 44/16.
The player I am using is VLC. What am I doing wrong

There is no such setting in XP. Windows 7 has rewritten audio driver stack and it has a lot more control over the output. XP has rudimentary and archaic kmixer in the audio stack which does not allow the output bitrate. AFAIK kxmier will always resample the audio on the output, unless ASIO driver is used. For audio server it's highly recommended to use Windows 7. Also it's highly discouraged to use iTunes on Windows, as it'll add additional Quicktime layer to the audio stack and will make things more complicated. If you use Mac iTunes will work great. On Windows use j River MC.
Thx. I am trying to avoid complications, which is why I have eschewed computer audio so far.. Awaiting new Windows 7 laptop and will try it then. How do I set it in Windows 7?
