best used inexpensive cd only player

my ex wife got the mac 2275, b&w's, krell even though she wouldn't even know how to turn it on much less bias the tubes.

i am trying to construct an inexpensive system to hold me over for now. i got the cayin sp 10 and loaded it with sed winged c's, tung sol, and jj's. i got the hsu bookshelves and subwoofer, some canare speaker cable. now all i need is something inexpensive to play cd's....less than $500. i am finding quite a bit of NAD5xxBEE, Rotel, Cambridge, Adcom preowned. does anyone have a stong feeling as to which of these would be the best sounding, quality, and fit with my system or any other suggestions?
The Music Hall players, either the original CD25 or the CD25.2, sound wonderful and hold their value well. They're also easy to upgrade with plug-in opamps.
Rotel RC-1072. It will serve you well. Should be able to pick up a used one for $350.
Why CD only? I believe you are really limiting some good budget choices by excluding universal players.