I think the year was maybe 1974 or 75 and I wandered into a sterio shop and heard some L-100's playing Supertramp and I, as a 14 or 15 year old could not believe the power and loudness of the system. I fell in love with those Marantz receivers with the beautiful silver faces, script type, and blue-violet glow of the lamps. I'll never forget my first visits to that shop just to listen (they knew I couldn't buy so usually I hung around until some 'grown up'came in to listen to buy)hearing pink floyd DSOTM on JBL L-166 or L-65's, Infinitys (with the watkins woofers), Epicure 20's.
Incidently my tastes these days run towards Spicas, Charios, Proac, Spendor you get the idea.
Incidently my tastes these days run towards Spicas, Charios, Proac, Spendor you get the idea.