Mcintosh MVP871 vs Krell SACD

Has anyone compared these players on SACD/Readbook?I have heard that the Mac is just a Denon?
I have read comments on Audio Review that indeed Mac is using Denon transports. One fellow removed the cover of an 871 and it showed the transport sporting the Denon name. However, the electronics were Mac's own. They are owned by the same company, D & M Holdings.
Your really asking about two different kinds of sound. I've owned two complete systems, one Mc one Krell. Both are great with the Mc more tuneful and Krell more complete. I found myself turning the volume down on the Krell and up on the Mc. All this depends on the rest of your system. Unless you need DVD you should consider the Mc 201 or 301 instead.
I have the MVP861 McIntosh and got rid of a 22 year old Meridian 506. I liked the Meridian sound better. The mac is a forward in your face cd player
Based on reliability I would go with the Mac (vs. the SACD standard, which was/is unreliable and prone to failure).

For sound, I would probably also go with the Mac unless you are going way up the krell line. If you are looking current model entry level Krell players, many are being made in China.

FWIW, I love Krell and if the question pertaining to amp I would be recommending the Krell amps or even the preamps (non-KAV series).
thanks guys
Well,its actually quite a delema:
my Krell SACD just BROKE and the upgrade is $1500+shp(from Ontario) and I can get a "Brand new"(unopened) 871 for the same.I just did not want to pay $1500 for a rebadged denon.If it has the MACGIC(LOL) touch,...thats good.I am not having a very good relationship with the Krell Warranty repair shop up here and may sell all my Krell gear,as this is why I bought Krell as a local shop was nice to have.I sent a Marantz DV9600 to him """500 days ago"""and he has not offered me any assistance other than PARTS,PARTS!!!!! So I purchased another unit(Krell) and it is now down and he will not help with it either.So I have spent(lost) enough with brands he fixes.