CDPs That Have Volume Control +Variable Output

I have a Adcom GCD-575, and, as always, it sounds pretty good, especially as I don't have a better one to compare ! Well, maybe my Nakamichi OMS-7 is better doesn't have Variable outputs. And that means I can't connect it directly to an amp, at least an amp that doesn't have volume controls.

So, my question is, does anyone know of under $500 CDPs with Variable Outputs/Volume control ? I think the Adcom 600 has it also.
Thx for your time...
The Oppo players have remote=controlled volume-
They don't cost much but a lot of people like them.
The Oppo BD-83 has volume control on the remote as stated and does sound good. It will also give you SACD and DVDA and Bluray as well as CD for $499.
mikey, you might get more improvement by adding an external dac and using the adcom (which is a solid unit) as a transport than by trading for another $500 unit--something like the mf v-dac or cambridge dacmagic.
Thx for all the responses...the thread is sure to generate opinions as there are lots of ways to listen to music, as always :)

I don't need blue ray, manta ray, sacd or whatever...if anything, cds are my way to be lazy when not spinning vinyl.

And it's more just a convenience than anything, as I have several systems, so I never really know what sounds best as I'm always moving stuff around...I just liek the idea of an amp and cdp together. I've been running an QADcom GCD575 with a CJ MF2300, and it sounds great. I'm sure a preamp would do it all justice too...more of a convenience than anything...

Seems though, that there is not much that can touch the 575, and be under $200, that has an analog volume control too.
Well, I use a QUAD CDP-99 with variable output connected directly to a pair of B&O Beolab 3 active speakers. The sound is great.

In addition, the CDP-99 has a number of digital inputs so you can use it as a DAC/preamp. This is how I play my Apple lossless files through an IPOD and a Wadia itransport.

I am listening to the system right now and it never fails to amaze me with the quality. I have to say that I have never listened to real high-end systems, but my system is very simple and sounds very good.