The Beatles Mono Box Set or The Beatles Stereo???

Both The Beatles Mono Box Set and The Beatles Stereo Box Set is on sale right now for $129. Just have no clue which one to get. I know one is mono and the other is stereo, other than that, can somebody explain to me the difference between the two and why should I pick one over the other?
From reading the reviews here in Audiogon and Amazon, I think I'm getting the mono set. Which Beatles stereo CD should I get in addition to the mono set to complete my Beatles collection?
I bought the mono and then added Abby road and Let it be. To me the mono issues are just more rocking, the separation in the stereo mixes are interesting but weaken the musics impact.

The other than the sound the mono issues have amazing packaging of each disk. Japanese style recreations of the original lps including the inserts and sleeves. Really great for the price as these type things are usually $20 a disk.
I've got both, but I most definitely find that I play the mono discs more often. If you do go for the mono box, you'll need to pick up "Abbey Road" and "Let it Be," as The Beatles didn't release mono mixes of those records.