Blue Moon Award for Burson Audio's new DAC/Preamp

Interesting review just publised by 6moons.

Srajan rated this new DAC/Preamp/Headphone amp higher than some of the industry heavy weights. He liked it more than the Weiss Dac. And given the price difference he awarded it the Blue Moon. Has anyone tried it yet?
Nonoise I understand your point, I`m also an avid reader of his reviews and do look forward to them.
I think the appeal of Srajan's style has to be his being German born and classically educated, a world traveler, and having spent so much time in America. What seems, at first blush, to be an incongruence, grammatically, is actually old world rooted and spot on. Our language has lots of Germanic influence but the structure of the sentences are different. I only had two years of high school German but can appreciate the wordship he employs.
I've always been in awe of someone with that talent. Another writer with similar style and humor was L.J.K. Setright, who wrote for 'CAR' magazine back in the '80s. He would turn a car review into a treatise that kept you captivated and in the end, you'd kind of forget about the car as an object and instead, how it related to the world.
LOL!! I guess I'm not the only one who can get lost in Srabanese. However, he is one of the few reviewers who will do direct comparisons to similarly priced products and has no problem telling us if a more affordable product outclasses a expensive one. So I like his reviews despite all the fluff you have to go through to get to the bottom line.
I just got mine yesterday so not much critical listening.

Running cd from Oppo 981hd via coax and Macbook pro via USB.

I have the same USB issue as noted in the 6moons review.
Burson replied very promptly to my email and will take care of the issue.
Outstanding customer service so far.

Did notice when running the Burson directly to my Bryston 4B SST the right channel still had a barely audible music coming through even with the vol pot turned down to zero.

I'll have to do additional trouble-shooting tonight and report back.