It is always with hindsight that we revise earlier opinions. It is not a matter of being considered a fool -- unless one's ego is that important. If one considers a decision foolish, with hindsight, then this can lead to improved decision making. For me, the music and what gets me there is the most important thing. Making mistakes and learning from them is essential to the process of getting one's system to a higher level. And yes, sometimes one pays too much, in hindsight.
Yes, this is necessarily a highly subject discussion. But the point of this thread is simply to try to help others make better informed choices, hopefully -- by giving others an idea of what values -- good and bad -- we have discovered along the way.
It is always with hindsight that we revise earlier opinions. It is not a matter of being considered a fool -- unless one's ego is that important. If one considers a decision foolish, with hindsight, then this can lead to improved decision making. For me, the music and what gets me there is the most important thing. Making mistakes and learning from them is essential to the process of getting one's system to a higher level. And yes, sometimes one pays too much, in hindsight.
Yes, this is necessarily a highly subject discussion. But the point of this thread is simply to try to help others make better informed choices, hopefully -- by giving others an idea of what values -- good and bad -- we have discovered along the way.