I agree with the comments made by Zmanastronomy, Steelhead and Macdadtexas. I own an ARC CD-7, which is a fine CD player. However, I recently started to reacquaint myself with my old vinyl. I serviced and upgraded my old TT, and bought a new cartridge. Frankly, I was very surprised by how good the old vinyl sounded compared to the CDP, even with the old TT and beat up records. I suspect the problem with CD has to do with the formatting. The technology is 30 years old.
My problem is that I am not familiar with the new stuff coming on line. However, at some point, I may start exploring the benefit of using a DAC, e.g., the ARC DAC-8.
Hey, Macdadtexas, got a question. You said that "if you download your CD's to digital files, then run the music through a good DAC off of a music server, I think it sounds much better than CD. You take much of the mechanical error out of the equation."
Could you provide a simple explanation of how a DAC can improve the sound playback of a convention CD that's formatted using the old technology? I would have thought that part of the problem is that the standard formatting technology loses a lot of sound information during digital encoding.