What CDP gets really close to vinyl?

Hello, I have been looking for a CD player that is truly airy, transparent, and in this sense similar to vinyl. So far I did not have much luck. I tried a variety of brands, from Rega to Meridian to Ayre, and now own an EAR Acute. Each of these players is wonderful in its own way, but the sense of spaciousness, air, the "I am there in the symphony hall" feeling has never achieved what I can get with a good turntable and good cart. Has anyone had better luck?
The DCS gear uses a proprietary and quite sophisticated and well executed programmable DAC architecture (the "Ring" DAC).

I have not studied the exact algorithm used, but I believe the DCS DAC architecture in general to be absolute SOTA in regards to its precision digital signal processing capabilities for this application (high end sound) and is the thing that puts DCS in its own league in regards to being able to do massed strings and such in a manner comparable to vinyl/analog.

I say that based on my own professional experience with very high end digital image processing and knowing what it takes to squeeze the nth degree of accurate detail out of digitally encoded signals in general (plus having listened to a lot of music and audio gear over the years).

The $300 (used) mhdt Constantine DAC that I currently favor in my rig is at the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of design approach as I understand it, but is also of very high quality, I believe.

It does a fairly straight up A to D conversion using no filtering or other digital signal processing in the equation.

The results are quite good I would say in comparison to the much more expensive DCS.

I would estimate that the DCS squeezes that last bit of enjoyable detail out in the case of massed strings, similar to good vinyl, but for way higher cost.

Practically, for me, the difference is a non issue. What I have is 100% listenable with ALL kinds of music, not just the elusive massed strings. What the DCS does is fill in that last minute but detectable bit of harmonic detail reliably in a manner that vinyl lovers will appreciate.

If I did not compare my digital to other high quality rigs, or even the best vinyl in my own rig, I would probably not even know or care what I might be missing.

I take my medication for audiophilia every day. It helps me appreciate what I have and helps keep more money in my pocket as well!
Mapman, upon reading your post, I saw a CD player I never heard, or read a review of, the Constantine. So, I looked it up and found this lovely review of it, and another similar DAC. My DAC has four tubes. There will always be arguments on the worth of tubes. All I care is if the resulting music strikes me as being authentic.


Yes, I've seen that review and have both Constantine and Paradisea DACs. I can easily concur with the reviewer's opinions.

I have two systems and have tried both DACs in each.

I like the Constantine in my main rig which already has a tube preamp and the Paradisea in my otherwise all SS family room 2 channel A/V system.

I'm finding one tube device per signal path to be a good thing in my case.
I fully agree with you, Mapman, that one device in a system with tubes is a good thing. Mine are in the DAC. The DAC is my system's voice. The transport just hands over the perfect digital reading.
Muralman1 thanks for the link to the review.

Mapman I have checked out the mhdt NOS DACs and the reviews. It seems all the reviewers came to the same consensus concerning the sonic characteristics of these DACs, excellent build quality, lack of digital etchiness, natural presence and timbre accuracy seem to be the consistent theme here. There is also the top of the line Havana which also uses a tube buffered output as well as the Paradisea 3. Looks quite promising especially at the price point. Thanks for your input.