What CDP gets really close to vinyl?

Hello, I have been looking for a CD player that is truly airy, transparent, and in this sense similar to vinyl. So far I did not have much luck. I tried a variety of brands, from Rega to Meridian to Ayre, and now own an EAR Acute. Each of these players is wonderful in its own way, but the sense of spaciousness, air, the "I am there in the symphony hall" feeling has never achieved what I can get with a good turntable and good cart. Has anyone had better luck?
One area where my experience with the mhdt DACs differs a bit from the reviewers is that I believe the COnstantine to have better high and low end frequency extension and better dynamics overall than the Paradisea. The Constantine's bass may come across as leaner overall though but is spot on in my main rig.

Tube rolling does make a very significant difference though with the Paradisea and I have only tried two different tubes to-date.

Also I find the Constantine is dead quiet.

I have some background hiss with the Paradisea, but you have to put your ear right up to the speaker with the volume well up to be able to even hear it, no worse certainly that what you would expect from most decent if not the absolute best phono rigs.
Thanks for the info Mapman. I will weigh this in my decision as I am seriously considering trying one of these units for the hell of it. I sure haven't been convinced as closely as this to anything else I've read or listened to lately at this price point.
The Playback Design 5 I've heard had a very analogue sound in my opinion. I'm not sure why don't more people mention it.
Mapman I received the Mhdt Havana yesterday. It was shipped from Taiwan on Friday, can you believe that?!

This DAC reminds me of a great SET amp except it is extended in the upper frequencies, well I should say my system really permits this with this DAC without any irritating digital artifacts. The natural decay of instruments and the ability to focus in on the performance rather that the sound is quite remarkable. The experience reminds me of years ago listening to the beautiful Joule OTL operating at zero feedback with my vinyl rig. Huge soundstage (more of a wow factor than anything musically important to me), great transparency,liquid without sounding dark and syrupy, tonally it really nails it which permits total involvement with the music without any desire to critically dissect the sound, this is a good sign.

I haven't heard many new ones lately but I do believe for the price this DAC in the right system is quite a performer that has a sense of continuousness similar to really good analog, at least in my set-up. It is about the music for sure. Thank you for making me aware of Mhdt, it is a very special piece.