Upgrading Wadia 170i IDoc to new 171 IPod dock

I have owned for about a year now the first Wadia 170i IPod dock and the $280 ICAudio upgraded power supply and lastly am using the Kimber illuminations D60 cable going to my DAC, which is actually a Cambridge AZURE 840C CD player. my question is has anybody upgraded to the latest 171i IPod dock and was it worth it? My current setup using lossless files sounds pretty good, but not quite as good as a CD. So please, with my current configuration and your experience with the new dock, is it worth the investment - Thanks!
I just bought the new Wadia 171i today. I have not had much time to do in depth auditions at home but have encountered problems with the remote control. i have the latest gen itouch (i think gen 4??) which i rec'd for xmas. the remote works 75% of the time with ability to choose songs and navigate menus if within the first 2 minutes. then after that, about 90% of the time you can move fwd or reverse within that specific album or play list only. sometimes, there is no response at all. my ipod video gen 5 will not work at all on this dock which i found out b4 i bought it from testing at my local dealer. from the earlier posts above, sounds like Wadia is aware of this and has halted sales??? i think i'll be returning mine for sure then. this was my alternative to getting into vinyl and buying a room full of records to replace my ipod and cd collection. could have been so nice if this would just work like it's supposed to!
Sounds like they went to shipping too early. In another post a member said they would stick with their 170i until the bugs were worked out of the 171, I think that was a smart choice. I remember Wadia was a bit late in shipments of the 171i and that there was an earlier hold on sales. I agree with you, I would return the unit and perhaps wait a couple of months, I'm sure Wadia is working on this feverishly. I know I'm going to wait a long time, I'm quite happy with my 170i.
I was in contact with Burson Audio and they have some cheap voltage regulator upgrades that can be used on the 170i that improve its performance, no need to update to 171 unless you need iphone/ipad connection.
Naggots, I'm using the optional CIAudio V9.0 power supply $275 with my 170i, I don't think it made as huge a difference as the dealer claimed, however there was slight improvement over the wall-wart. Will these voltage regulators you speak of still provide an improvement even though I significantly upgraded the power supply? Do you have more specifics about these regulators and their installation? I'm quite handy with a soldering iron, is this something I can do myself or does Burson require you send in the unit? Thanks, I'm interested in learning more about this!
The quality of the power to the chip in the Wadia ultimately comes down to the regs on board. Cleaner supply upstream can only improve so much. Burson regulators are much better and not that expensive, built for DIY, open up the 170i and have a look at the Burson website, $40 is great value DIY.