WAV versus FLAC

Until now I though that the sound coming from the files in these two formats are identical. However, recently, I have heard from a person whose opinion I respect highly that sound from WAV files is "warmer" and that from FLAC files is "brighter".

I wonder if anyoner else have similar observations?

Thank you
Great first post Audiocin. Glad to have you aboard. How do you have your files set-up and what components are working well for you? I ask because I am about three weeks away from starting down this path myself. I have about 250GB backed up as FLAC files from EAC.
As an aside, AIFF DOES store metadata, which is why I considered it....basically WAV without the hassle.
Not this again, the person that said "The first is that any difference is due to the extra load placed on the processor in decoding the FLAC file." is right.

People that argue about the formats do not under stand how it works, it is just a different way of writing the information. An example is below.


WAV= 1111222233334444

FLAC= 1.4,2.4,3.4,4.4

Both say the same thing but you can already see how the FLAC file has a shorter word length and will be a smaller file. If FLAC or Apple Lossless do not sound the same as WAV on your system do not blame the file.