What cd player to purchase for less than $1000?

My friend just purchased Martin Logan Source speakers and the Krell S-300i integrated amp. Please let me know your opinion for the biggest bang for the buck cd player at a cost (new or used) of less than $1000. I was thinking about the Oppo 95, but would also like to hear other opinions out there. Thank you.
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I recently bought the Rega Apollo and have been happy with it. At the time it was $850 with a trade in (any cd player, working or not). List is $1,000.
I bumped it against an Arcam 8SE, Primare CD21 and Music Hall 25.2 and liked the Apollo.
The Oppo BDP-95 at $995 would seem to be the best unit available for the price you listed. And, in addition to playing CDs, it will also handle virtuall every shiny-disc created: SACD, DVD-Audio, HDCD, and BluRay.

I doubt that you will find a better unit available for the price...

Stick with a dedicated CD player. The Rega Apollo is a great choice. The Exposure 2010s is also a nice piece.
Are you afraid to spend $60 at SonyStyle for a refurb 595? It will amaze you, if you keep your mind open. Best part is that SonyStyle will come and get it for free if you don't like it.
Stick with a dedicated CD player


If you go the main page and click on the search , it will give you option to enter a dollar amount and category. There are a lot of good choices for cd players that are in the $800 to 1k range.