I am thinking of pulling the trigger on an Esoteric G-0Rb clock for my system (that uses an Esoteric X-01D2 player.
Can anyone describe the benefits of adding a clock to the system? Is it a noticeable improvement? Subtle but better? Easier to listen to?
I do not see a lot os discussion or reviews of clocks, so I have to ask does adding a clock fix a problem that is not that big of a problem?

Well, I've found JRiver Media Center really easy to use (tagging is a breeze), and the audio quality together with ASIO4ALL is simply amazing, IMO!

Tried MacMini with Pure Music/iTunes. Sounds OK but, to my ears, it lacked against JRMC/ASIO4ALL, and by a good margin.

Maybe if I didn't have the upgraded Esoteric VRDS transport, I'd be perfectly content with Mac/iTunes as many are.

Alex Peychev
The esoteric is a nice clock, but if you are going to spend that kind of cash, take a look at the antelope audio atomic clock. and any decent clock will make a noticeable improvement.
Clocks are only good if the internal clock is bad. Sometimes you will not hear a difference as in the case of the k-01 and K-03. Your money would be well spent else where.Clocks for pro use are used to tie in several digital units. The Clocks in the K-01 and K-03 are excellent.
Wow, this thread sat for almost three years. There isn't many subjects in high end audio more polarizing then the clock. Well I can say in my system the clock has had a HUGE effect! I have the Esoteric G-01 sync'd with the D-02/P-02. The combo sounds fantastic as is, but the clock has widened the soundstage and added depth .The Presentation is smoother and the overall sound is more realistic.
I was not sold on the clock, until I heard it in $450,000.00 system with the K-01 as the digital source. It elevated an already excellent sound to in the room. After that, I was sold on the clock and have not regretted it.
Look at the D-02/ P-02 thread, there are several other owners of D-02/P-02s and K-01s that have clocks and have great results. For some reason, it seems, the more detailed the system, the better the effect.
Hi, I have to agree with ColeKat...clocks, even what type of clock cable are easily heard in my system...(running dCS Scarlatti Trans/dac/clock)