Speaker cable manufacturers

Hi all,
Not looking for recommendations specifically for a particular model of speaker cable, but looking to start by considering the companies themselves. I have a budget of $700 for a used set of 8ft pair of cables. My speakers are DIY Peerless and Sb tweeter 3 way hybrid open baffles. I want to try to avoid the cable-merry-go-round and go with a company the is generally highly regarded for making good stuff (low risk). I am considering Analysis Plus, JPS Labs. The only reason I am not considering the ultra small manufacturers is because I want to have the ability to sell later if need be and some of the really small guys don't have the recognition yet. Any additional manufacturers recommendations are welcomed
I heartly recommend the Clear Day double shotguns. I switched from a hybrid Copper-Silver cables to Clear Day's all Silvers and the difference is absolutely amazing, to say the least. I have yet to update my system page.
All I can say is, talk to Paul at Clear Day and let him know your requirements. Depending on your speaker effieincy he can suggest you one of his combinations. You also don't have to provide your credit card details if you decide to audition the cables. Paul will simply send you the cables. If you don't like them, simply pack them in the same box that you received, and ship back to Paul. All you would loose would be the $7 in shipping the cables back.
As far as small companies are concerned - my Signal Cables were sold in less than 12 hours after I posted them on audiogon. Good Luck!
Hey all. A good deal came up on an amp so I purchased and amp. I have to get back to cables as soon as I save some $$.