Using a PS Audio Perfectwave Dac as a music server

If you're just using a Perfectwave Dac as a music server, how can you see what's on the hard drive? It doesn't look as though the screen on the Dac is configured to scroll through folders of songs or albums.
2chnlben- are you SSW?


No, Woot, I'm not Streets Still Works. I am however on that site alot (Hint: "The Dude").

Keep us posted on your thoughts about sound quality Levy.

You hit the nail when you talk about the concept (your entire music library accessible via one handy remote touch screen…It’s all too cool!
Thanks Ben- I was curious.

Levy- Recommended settings are filter 1,Native. IMO. Congrats on your quick set up! That's how mine went, despite my over-thinking it!
Tag-n-play app issue's reared their ugly heads tonight. the app will change the player selection on its own....kinda like a delayed default or ghost switching it. if you're in the player screen/mode and catch it, you can reset the PWD as the player without interruption. if you're not watching it, it'll eventually stop playing and lock up. seems to do so about every 30-40 minutes or so??. will have to search the psa site for help or place a call. went into this with my eye's wide open. knew there would be glitches. if this is the worst of it, i'll be one happy camper.

the good news is it sounds fantastic!. having a PWT makes it very easy to a-b disc&transport vs computer. gotta say i'm impressed already. even with the limited time spent thus far, can already confirm it's gonna be close. will need to dive much deeper into different music to discover any differences. that in itself is a good thing imho.

Hey Lev,
When TagnPlay gets too weird, delete it from your iPhone, and redownload the app. There is no charge to do this from the App Store. Are you using a iPad or iPod Touch, or the iPhone? Have fun, listening to the bridge can be addicting. Do you have all your CDs ripped yet? I'm about 2/3s through my collection.