I agree with Ken. The Resolution Audio Cantata series products are absolutely fantastic sounding pieces! They look great as well. They sound great for both redbook and computer audio. A couple of weeks ago, I spent an afternoon demoing and comparing the Cantata Music Center and matching C-50 amplifier against the Great Northern Sound Reference modified Resolution Audio Opus 21 & matching S30 amplifier. IMHO, the new Cantata series is about 15% better sounding than the GNSC modded units, which are 15% better sounding than the stock units. I will be purchasing the Music Center in the next month or so.
Jeff Kalt is the Resolution Audio designer. He is an MIT graduate that specializes in high-end audio digital design. Over the years, he has designed digital sections for several well know high-end audio companies including BAT. He designs & makes great sounding gear that is practical and sanely priced. Resolution Audio's Opus 21 and S30 products are fantastic and are "giant-killers". Do yourself a favor and demo the Canata series products.
I agree with Ken. The Resolution Audio Cantata series products are absolutely fantastic sounding pieces! They look great as well. They sound great for both redbook and computer audio. A couple of weeks ago, I spent an afternoon demoing and comparing the Cantata Music Center and matching C-50 amplifier against the Great Northern Sound Reference modified Resolution Audio Opus 21 & matching S30 amplifier. IMHO, the new Cantata series is about 15% better sounding than the GNSC modded units, which are 15% better sounding than the stock units. I will be purchasing the Music Center in the next month or so.
Jeff Kalt is the Resolution Audio designer. He is an MIT graduate that specializes in high-end audio digital design. Over the years, he has designed digital sections for several well know high-end audio companies including BAT. He designs & makes great sounding gear that is practical and sanely priced. Resolution Audio's Opus 21 and S30 products are fantastic and are "giant-killers". Do yourself a favor and demo the Canata series products.