Damn Apple..a fence sitter's dilemma

Almost ready to make the'move'...Buy the Mac mini, go with a firewire dac (seems to make more sense to my computer illiterate brain), decided on a simplified Raid backup, still worrying over format to rip cd's....And now Apple introduces a new connectivity mode : Thunderbolt. A zillion times faster than USB 2 and Firewire 800, single connectivity with audio, video, data, etc., and a whole lot of other things I don't understand.
Sure, it's only in the MBP's introduced this week, not the Mini; but trickle down is their modus operondi. Sure, I should get off the fence and make a move 'cause there will always be the next great thing coming down the pipe, but I sure hate to spend my pennies and be obsolete in 16 months. Whaddya' think?
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Mac Book Pro that is.

While the achieved speed is very appetizing, I am not very thrilled with the "single connector" approach that sounds so much like Firewire. Interestingly enough, for example, Apple will have all the internal HDD and CD/DVD drives on SATA controller, and then will give you USB and Firewire for external devices? Where is the sense, because I don't see it? Where is the eSATA port on Apple products? And now we have Thunderbolt? I surely hope they have the internal HDD and CD/DVD drives on Thunderbolt, and then give you an external Thunderbolt port too so all of those devices can interfere with each other while being daisy-chained. Blows my mind!

Alex Peychev
Get off that fence and get the mini. I also had paralysis by analysis, but once I jumepd in , Ive been happy ever since. I made a few mistakes but after a few tweaks, PC audio has been a lot of fun.

My advice is to go used, cheap, and simple to start out with.