Sony XA-5400es VS Oppo 83SE

I recently got an Oppo 83SE and played my first ever SACD today and I'am a convert.

Now I'am wondering if the Sony might be more musical than the Oppo,which I feel is quite a good Cd/SACD player.Right now looks like the last chance to get a new Sony before they diapear.But at twice the price of the Oppo does anyone feel this is an upgrade in musicallity? Anyone compared the two? Thanks in advance Gary
You might concider selling the Oppo and picking up the Sony. I'm not an expert, but I don't know how much you can recuperate on the Modwright upgrate when you go to sell it.
But, if you have lots of money, then it's up to you what to do. I try to buy stuff at a price that I can sell it and not take such a big hit.
Maybe Modwright upgrades can recupe a 100%. I don't know. If they recupe 75% or more it would be a good option.
Maybe Svrtim can chime in on the resale value of the Modwright upgrade.
But the Sony XA-5400 is one of the best CD players out there for anywhere close to it's price point.
The Sony lacks DVD, DVDA and Bluray playback if that's important to you. It is to me.
I was thinking of selling the Oppo 83se and buying an Oppo 93.That way I would still have a great DVD/BR player and then getting a sony or? But ONLY if the general consensus was that it was a more musical player.
$500 new 93 plus $1200 new sony for a total of $1700 minus what I can get for my 83SE Now that Oppo is selling referb units for $699 means I woul get about $600? Or aproximateky $1100 more out of my pocket.

As far as the Mod Wright upgrade I have read it is very popular but I would rather not play with tubes,I have a Bat VK D5SE in my 2 CH Rig and thats all the tubes I want- long life and no tube rolling.
Also my budget is about $1500. If I had more to spend I would consider a used Marantz SA7 but not currently in my budget.
That's a very good point.
If you have a HT and 2 channel in combination, the Oppo will surely fit the bill.
But, the Oppo will still not sound nearly as good as the Sony XA-5400 for CD's. The differance is not a small one.

The Oppo 83se will do your DVD's just fine without selling and going to the Oppo 93. That is if your still going to get the Sony.

Just trying to help.