would the Sony SCD 5400 Ex make a good transport?

I recently acquired a Sony SCD 5400 hoping it would be an upgrade from my Rega Apollo. While there is much to admire in terms of resolution and PRAT I find the sound has a lot of the digital glare/hardness; strings are quite steely which is tiring. Was wondering if this could be corrected with a (better?)DAC using the Sony as a transport. Or is it better to look for another player. The Sony costs as much as I want to pay for a CD player
Jwm, thanks for the sound counsel. Do you recommend any place in particular to buy the tubes for the Sony? I auditioned power cords on the sony transport and power supply and went with audience e powerchords. I am pretty happy with harmonic technology magic link 2 xlr on sony to pre but will look for a siltech to compare. I just took delivery of the vac 300.1 amp and renaissance mk 3 preamp so pls let me know more specifics on tube upgrades there (type and where to buy) if you dont mind. I will find a way to repay the favor. Many thanks in advance. I just bought silkworm+ to connect vac amp and pre.

Have you compared the Sylvanias and Tung-Sol to the Sophia Electric or Black Treasures? Just curious how the best NOS compare to the supposedly best new age tubes.

Podeschi you are in for a treat with the VAC gear. Sound improves as you put hours on them. I guarantee you will be buying a second Phi 300.1 for monoblocks in the future. I bought my tubes from a local guy that turned out to be a jerk. I have a few great people to buy from. Andy at Vintage Tube Services in Grand Rapids, MI.
No, but I doubt any new tube made today will compare with a new old stock tube from the 50-60's.
Thanks, JWM. I specifically picked the 300.1 so i could pick up a second in a year or two.