Do all CD players benefit from burn in?

Is it a general rule to burn them in for a few hundred hours? I have found that the handful of CD players (or DAC/Transport combos) I've owned seem to get better, especially in the frequency extremes (more control, less boom or sizzle).
'settle in', give me a break. the high end business model is built on that type of nonsense.
Considering all the wire,capacitors,resistors, transitors,tubes,transformers(more wire yet again!)etc. It`s only logical that all of these components need time to form and become seasoned. At lease in my experiences every component has improved with the additional hours(some subtle and others dramatically).Oops! almost forgot, YMMV.
Like Buconero117, for the longest time I thought component burn-in was a load B.S . It just sounded like a load of crap and that it was really just a period of time for the listener to adjustment to the new sound .I now know differently.

Edgy and bright will still be edgy and bright after 200 hrs. The listener adjustment wont overcome that.
Burn in will.
Having just finished my system (added cables) I wondered this. I use my wife as a guinea pig as she has better hearing and no idea what stuff costs. We both have found that any a/b comparisons suffer greatly after a few days (maybe less) and we are unable to tell any difference. Mind this is differences in specific samples we selected to test. I'm gonna stay out of this fight but I'm curious if folks do anything different for long term comparos than they would short?